lopezruiz - 2019

These are all the posts for 2019.

Proper Post
Finally, a proper blog post, written in something reasonable, translated to HTML, formatted all pretty. Or pretty enough, I suppose.


PowerShell Exit Code
Some notes on exit code and return statements.

Past Self Cringe
On revisiting a decade and a half of writing.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday my love!

First flight for Jonathan Fay Cruzer
In which a friend builds an airplane then flies it.

Fun with CryptBinaryToString
In which I find out about a cool little function to format binary strings.

In which I decide to read a someone's correspondence.

Reading slowly
In which I reflect on how nice it is to take your time when reading something.

On saving time
In which I read a bit and realize Seneca didn't mess around.

PowerShell XML
In which I play around with XML interactively.

XSLT Extensions
In which I commit to the behavior I want.

In which I urge people to avoid making their computers insecure.

Library / CLI / GUI Pattern
In which the pattern of libraries, GUI and command-line programs is discussed.

Try .NET
In which I discuss how great Try .NET is.

Configuration with custom connection strings
In which I teach old tricks to a new pony.

Post-mortem debugging
In which I introduce post-mortem debugging at a high level.

Post-mortem globals
In which I encourage the use globals (within reason).

Quick JSON validation
In which I show how to quickly validate JSON syntax.

Post-mortem logging
In which I discuss logging ideas for post-mortem debugging.

Files Used by Process
What files does a process use?

Processes Launched by Process
What processes does a process launch?

Eric Shoutout
In which I remark how great Eric Brechner's blog is.

Northwest Sunsets
Appreciation for PNW sunsets.

In praise of creative if unorthodox solutions.

Refresh, Review, Recycle
Dealing with aging documentation.

Services Last All Summer Long
Demanding users are demanding, but should they be?

Shadow of Mordor
Playing games with good backstory - what's not to like?

Quick base64 encoding
In which I show how to quickly base64-encode things.

PowerShell dots in JSON
In which dots appear in JSON files and PowerShell survives.

The Anthropocene Reviewed
Funny, interesting, human.

Emacs or vscode
Living in plain text, and choosing between emacs and vscode.

Beware Crypto Defaults
Different crypto libraries have different parameter defaults - know them!

Bounded Workloads
I review different way to put bounds to your workloads for fun and perf.

Editing Code and Stories
Improving code with a storyteller's eye.

The Witcher Is Very Good
Hats off to the makers of the show.

PowerShell Clipboard Copy
Massaging and copying data to the clipboard from PowerShell.

Hashing Streams
Sometimes a simple buffer is enough, but often it's not.

How to Improve Code by Editing
Take a sad code and make it better.
