Past Self Cringe

I realized I still have a link to some personal blog writing I did a while ago, and wondered how long I've been doing it. A bit shy of fifteen years on reasonable blog platforms, a few yers longer if we count the very first incarnations of websites I've had over the years.

"Home pages" if you will. The dream of everyone publishing and cross-referencing each others' ideas and experiences, you know.

Upon reviewing some of my earliest writing, I do find it a bit cringy. The content is OK, but I'm never quite happy with the tone, or the choice of words or phrases. But then again I can look at not-so-old writing, and I feel very similar. Yikes.

For example, my first post on was titled 'Marcelo joins the blogosphere!'. And I usually like to be forgiving with myself, but sometimes I make it hard.

At this point, I'm not even sure if it will ever get much better, but it's been helpful to others, and I get some satisfaction from it. And that's enough, perhaps. Maybe I really am able to see and take the good and move on.

I'll try to get better, but one way or another, here's to many more years of putting thoughts to electronic paper.

