If you want to write better code - and thus read better code! - there are some ideas from story editing that can be put to good use.
Here are some commonly accepted practices for editing narratives.
If you're a moderately experienced coder, you'll realize that all of these apply to editing code. The fresh perspective of comparing editing code with narrative editing should give you an improved viewpoint.
Let's break these down.
You know how you look back on old code you wrote and feel terrible about it? It's not that you're not good. It's that the fresh perspective allows you to see things that you overlooked or took for granted while writing.
Same thing with all sorts of writing by the way - including blog posts. Be kind to yourself, otherwise you'll resist editing and improving things.
Take a first pass through the code to get a sense of the structure, without trying to figure things out in detail. This will allow you to remember details of how things are structured, interesting decisions made, etc.
Take a pass figuring out whether things are "sketchy", things that need to be improved, things that are confusing to follow, things that you can't figure out without a lot of long concentration.
This is your chance to determine whether classes are really pulling their weight or can be simplified. Do you have a generic thing that is never used in a generic way and is making things more complicated than they should be?
Do you have code that pulls its weight, or do you have a mass of code for a tiny bit of functionality that could be expressed differently?
Reduce the cognitive load of reading your code by keeping things consistent. This helps in two ways.
Clean things up beyond the things we've considered before.
We do this regularly with code reviews, but it's also handy to have someone do an editing pass over your code. Building software is a team sport!
This usually takes longer than you doing it yourself, but it also makes the team better.
You've already got the code in source history (I mean - you do, don't you?). If you have unused functions, code, etc., don't be afraid to delete it an add a comment stating that something was there and can be found (helps with searches).
I've been working on software for a long time now, and I'd say that resurrecting old code is something that happens less than once a year.
You might be able to make this even better later on. Give it some time, and revisit in the future.
Editing is tremendously valuable. We have a whole set of processes and tools and practices we talk about as refactoring to show for it, but don't limit yourself to what tool vendors provide, and don't limit yourself to the automatic-and-provable code changes.
You have a huge potential to make things better as you gain perspective and experience - make good use of it!
Happy editing!