Plain text is life!
- awk, primarly to work on record-based text files.
- emacs (GNU Emacs), a wonderfully customizable text editor.
- magit, a world-class git porcelain inside emacs.
- Sorting in emacs by Susan Pal.
- graphviz, graph visualization from plaintext files.
- grep, a tool to pattern-match lines of text.
- hexdump is needed from time to time to understand those other formats.
- perl, an old classic, famous for great one-liners (among other things).
- PlantUML, produces visualization for various kinds of diagrams described in plain text.
- reveal-talk, simplified plaintext presentations with reveal.js
- vim a customizable highly modal text editor.
- visidata an interactive console tool for tabular data. It's "plaintext-adjacent", so to speak.
- vscode (Visual Studio Code) supports text file editing of course, including first-class support for markdown.
Structured Formats
There are multiple ways in which some structure is often overlaid on plain text.