App vs Game Performance

Having worked on performance for different kinds of products over the years, I thought I'd write up a post reflecting on some differences in approach when thinking about "classic apps" and "games/realtime-y experiences".

The stuff in common

When tuning performance for user experiences, there is quite a bit of overlap. For example, many of the metrics that matter for one will matter for the other.

The basic approach, works for both of these, like so many other systems.

Iterate by revisiting scenarios, workloads and goals as the project progresss.

Make improvements to the process and implementations, then adjust how you allocate your budgets and measure, and setup systems to monitor.

Approach for apps

There are characteristics of this class of apps that we can see again and again.

There are also workloads that will often stress the platform a bit more, and have special paths for them.

Approach for games

Games frequently present a different workload. Turn-based games might sometimes sit somewhere in the middle, but for continuous experiences these are good points.

Happy perf tuning!


Tags:  androidperf
