Surface Duo in 2023

So, I'm the proud owner of a Surface Duo - the original one. When my beloved wife bought one for me, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.

I already had a phone I was happy with, and I didn't quite now what to make of it.

It turns out I've been using it quite a bit in 2023, and so now that I'm finally using it on a regular basis, I thought I'd share what I like about it and what I do with it.

And of course, just like with YouTube Kids, things like Disney+ can also keep the kids entertained, and because of the tent mode, I don't need to rely on them holding it steady and can put it in a position where I can watch, or they share, or they can keep a drink out of the way.

I'm sure there are other good uses, but in any case, that's what I ended up finding useful in practice.

Happy gadget use!

Tags:  review
