Hello Darkness

OK, I find this to be endlessly enjoyable, and so I wanted to keep these lyrics on hand - sang to the tune of The Sound of Silence.

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've lost my triangle again.
Were the vertices all meeting?
Do the stencil ops need tweaking?
Did the whole thing, get removed by a backface cull?
Or was it null?
Oh no it's just behind us.

And another ...

Hello darkness, my old friend.
There's a NaN inside your blend.
Now a fringe is slowly creeping.
to the neighbourhood it's seeping.
The division, applied in an older frame,
was insane.
And all the light is silenced.

And another!

Hello darkness, my old friend. 
Is the gamma wrong again?
Or are the TV settings creeping?
Were they changed when I was sleeping?
The signal that is sent to the display,
seems ok.
It's time for colour science.

These are all from Paul Malin - I'm just reproducing them here to have them together.

Happy earworms!

Tags:  fun
