Celebrate those around you

First day of April. A pretty good day to celebrate those around you, and take a moment to feel gratitude for having them in your life.

I rarely write beyond technical topics, but I wanted to put this up today to show some appreciation. Even in the midst of a pandemic, I find myself with much to be grateful for, and I think everyone who has others around them can probably relate.

How much poorer we would be without them! How barren to go through life alone!

And even if you believe you are alone now, there is a world of opportunity ahead. Who knows whose path you will cross, who else might come into your life as well?

In the end, shaping your life is deciding what option to take among all of those that are in front of you, at any point. Choose carefully who to spend your time with, and when you do put all of yourself into it.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." ~ J. R. R. Tolkien

I hope everyone finds a moment of peace in their hearts and see the love around them today.

Tags:  meditation
